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Your Mind-Body System Has a Technical Wiring
" I had tried therapy for over 10 years with no huge life-changing results. I am absolutely in awe of my own personal growth...
I feel calm and centered in my feelings and expression to the group. I'm no longer confused with my life purpose and path in this life. I have dealt with my emotional and energetic big boulders, specifically around self worth and family!
I finally, for the first time, feel free from life long issues that were holding me back."
Julia D.
Holistic Nutrition Coach
Artist, Mother, Teacher
" I notice that I’m less scattered and more present. I question less the choices I make on a day to day basis. I feel like I have more energy and vitality for things.
The material doesn’t just stay at the head, that it really drops into the body where I think we can really take it on and see what that means for us."
Mica G.
Somatic Therapist, Equine Therapy
" I felt stuck in my life. I had old stories that were negatively impacting my life. I also felt lost in myself.
By going through this process, I have found a tribe of women who are kind,loving & supportive. I have found myself.
I now have a sense of inner peace I have never know."
Shruti P.
Registered Nurse, Intensive Care Unit
“For me what makes it different is I’ve done a ton of knowledge based self-help type sort of things: read books, watched videos, even seminars..… what the Body Wisdom Academy does is actually put it into action...”
I am a therapist…[] I wanted this training as a supplement to what I do because there is a point at which knowing why or knowing the reasons for thigns and for actions behind the way you’ve always been….is limiting."
“I’ve been doing somatic types of therapy as a patient since my early 20s….[ ] so I would say I’m a collector of deeply helpful healing approaches, AND I can say with all of that collecting I’ve done, that working with Leslie has been like an absolute treasure, a true gem…”
...Now when triggers come up, I'm able to easily work through them and let them go, instead of it being the thing that I do for three days.
TedX Organizer
Subtle Body Method™ Trauma Release
Developed by: Leslie Huddart L.Ac.
Learn a Comprehensive, Holistic Healing System for Releasing Trapped Trauma Blocks at the Source
When we are separated from our sense of safety, we experience trauma, and trauma is encoded in the interconnected layers of the mind-body system—the subtle body.
Single Mom
I had tried therapy for over 10 years with no huge life-changing results. I am absolutely in awe of my own personal growth!
I'm no longer confused with my life purpose and path in this life.
I finally, for the first time, feel free from life long issues that were holding me back.
Holistic Health Coach
After this training and getting to the root of son and I are now not only thriving, but we now share an even deeper love and connection
My own personal struggles from childhood and a recent divorce had me feeling stuck, worthless, and guilty that I wasn't a good enough mother to my 7 year old son, who was also struggling emotionally.
Subtle Body Method™ Trauma Release
Also known as Subtle Body Work, the Subtle Body Method™, was created and developed by Leslie Huddart, L.Ac as a progression of somatics integrated with Chinese Medical Theory and informed by the essence of the practical application of her Yogic and Vedic studies background. Subtle Body Work combines traditional eastern medicine, somatic therapeutics, and universal spiritual principles & practice.
Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine, thousands of year old traditional medicine systems, decoded the ways in which our thoughts and emotions affect the physical body and vice versa.
Drawing on ancient this wisdom and modern science, Subtle Body Work™ is a comprehensive methodology for releasing trapped trauma and subtle body blocks from the multiple layers of the mind-body system. The mind is not separate from the body nor the energy system. With Subtle Body Work, we teach a step-by-step methodology for aligning the system and activating each layer so that trauma can be comprehensively released.
As we progress on our personal healing and spiritual paths, we are standing on the shoulders of those that have come before us. For more on Leslie Huddart L.Ac and her teachers, head here.
Want it said simply in "normal words"?
You know how you can go through stuff in life and you understand it mentally. Maybe in your mind you're kind of over it and you've talked about it in therapy, but you still feel like it's stuck in your body somewhere? You still react, you still feel anxious, triggered and overwhelmed. That's what we heal and release in Subtle Body Trauma Release™.
Leslie and our master-trained coaches help people release the trauma and blocks stuck in the mind-body system in a fraction of the time compared to other modalities.
What is the Subtle Body Method™?
We can't simply learn, think, or talk our way out of trauma.
If you've been on the healing path for awhile, you already know this. It's necessary and helpful to understand your past, your family system and how the circumstances of your life affected you. Traditional talk-therapy is great for this, but this understanding is all in the mind and stops there. Fortunately, even mainstream psychology is catching on to this and beginning to recognize the importance of the body (albeit slowly).
One of the biggest mistakes even smart, successful, gifted people make is to think that the Mind is the only answer.
The Mind is one component of the mind-body-spirit system, and it's not even the most important one.
When you're stuck trying to do it the Mind way.... you end up thinking the solution is more learning, more modalities.
So you're constantly on the look out for the next thing to learn, reading all the self-help books, learning ALL THE THINGS...
But you're doomed to repeat the same loop: "It feels better and helps a little, but sooner or later, I see myself still stuck in the same rut.....just with a few more certifications."
You may even start to have imposter syndrome, where you become a healer that solves issues of other people, but you lack the knowledge to truly get past your own blocks.
If you don't work with ALL the layers of your subtle body (the technical side of your mind-body-spirit system) and how they fit stay trapped repeating old loops.
You might feel a little boost or relief when your Mind learns something new, like a new modality, or a realization during a therapy session....but because you're not really making improvement to the WHOLE system...the change doesn't really last, or you hit a wall where you feel like you're no longer progressing
The effects wear off and you're back repeating the same old patterns of
self sabotage and low self-esteem
attracting dysfunctional relationships and narcissists
feeling like an imposter
anxiety that you just can't seem to shake
generational trauma that leaks onto your kids...
(the list goes on....)
The Subtle Body Method is Different.
When people learn and practice Subtle Body Work, not only do they feel lighter in the moment, but their approach and reactions are different the next time around. There's not only awareness, but also fundamental systemic change that can be felt and observed in the body and behavior of the individual.
This system has deep roots in the wisdom and understanding of Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine and is clinician developed by Leslie Huddart L.Ac. These ancient systems are thousands of years old and have decoded into minute details, the ways in which the thoughts and emotions fix the physical body and vice versa.
Subtle Body Work operates within this understanding works with a truly holistic view of the mind-body-spirit system. Mind, body and spirit are not separate. At Body Wisdom Academy, we know that healing cannot be truly effective without an approach that addresses all three.
The Mistake of the mind
1. The mind tells the body that there is an issue, but there is a lack of clarity with dealing with symptoms.
2. There is a constant loop of gaining knowledge, managing issues, and relearning, but there is no permanent solution.
3. The Subtle Body Method™ deals with tackling issues at the core.
The #1 Healing Mistake
The Subtle Body Method is the key to unlocking the body's healing mechanism and the subconscious mind.
The body is the link to the subconscious, although you might not realize it, there is split reaction or emotion sensation that happens first from the body.
By learning to decode the subtle body sensations, you can understand the language of the body. Each sensation felt from within the body has a deeper meaning and message that the body is trying to tell you.
The mind uses the brain and the body to control the thoughts that arise.
Your mind is an entity in its own: Subconscious, conscious and beyond. We're talking about the combination of all of the impressions & experiences of your life and how all of that shapes your worldview and clouds your perception of reality.
Ultimately, either your mind controls you or you control your mind.
Think of it like this, your brain is the control room that is responsible for dealing with all the incoming orders from the body. But you also have the mind, an eerie, nosy person lurking about changing the commands and making meaning about everything.
This can happen to the extend that the commands that get sent out are actually from the mind, especially the subconscious, who is pulling all the levers and pushing all the triggers to the body effecting you as a whole.
"The reality is...the mind lies.
The mind doesn't understand the body's language. "
-Leslie Huddart, L.AC
The Subtle Body Method deals with training the mind and listening to the body.
In order to have control over your mind, you need to train yourself to switch the controls from the mind to the heart and soul, to guide and make the decisions for you.
It is impossible to fully control the mind, but you can train the mind. This process requires personalized support and is difficult to do alone. That's why our programs are built with individualized support for every client and trainee.
By building trust in the energetic heart and helping clients develop firmness in their purpose, we also teach the "secret language" of your body through Subtle Body Work. With the right tools and guidance you can out-smart the mind.
The Body's Language
1. The subconscious mind plays a huge role in our wellbeing, but we don't have easy access to it.
2. The body senses the subtle changes and reacts to the subconscious mind before any other system. Sensations and their locations in the body are an important part of unwinding trauma.
3. The mind is a powerful entity that projects and tries to control the body, but lacks in many ways.
The body is smarter than the mind
The Body knows how to heal Trauma
We just need to get to the root of it.
The Subtle Body Method rule--following the body's lead.
At the Subtle Body level, you need to understand the root cause of trauma to fully eliminate it from the system. You need to learn to communicate with your body to bring the trauma to the surface and by using your heart release it from within.
In Subtle Body Work, through personalized support, you will learn to trace your emotions and release trauma from your body in a controlled environment with expert coaching.
1. Trauma is stored in multiple layers of the mind-body system. Conventional western therapeutic approaches typically only focus on the mind.
2. Trauma can have deep roots within the body that occupies and disturbs our functional wellbeing.
3. The Subtle Body Method™ tackles trauma at the root and eliminates it at the source through technical understanding of the layers of the mind-body-spirit system. Through targeted learning, personalized support and a repeatable comprehensive system, you can finally free yourself of trapped trauma AND use the system for whatever life brings in the future.
The Mind-Body System's Unique Language
How do we dissolve our inner velcro in order to fully heal?
The Subtle Body Method™ involves key steps to understanding and eliminating past trauma and road blocks from your body.
1. Identifying the outer problem - any situation or problem can trigger you to feel upset. These triggers are used as the gateway to get deeper into the system and identify the root.
2. Following the Subtle Body Method - learn to correctly identify and experience sensations within the body and interact to reveal the beliefs underneath.
3. Understanding the triggers - apply subtle body techniques to the beliefs themselves until the charge is reduced.
4. Verify the elimination - the next time you feel triggered, you will feel experienced in handling it in a calmer manner instead of feeling upset and triggered.
5. Repeat and continue forward- By repeating the above process with new triggers and events, we begin to unwind the deepest grooves from the system.
The Subtle Body Method ™ can be applied to any situation our clients and students face.
This process is real-life applicable to actual daily situations, not just theoretical ideas. We teach the techniques while also assisting with working with your biggest boulders so that you are competent and confident enough with the skills to face any challenge that arises for the rest of your life.
By applying these techniques it will give you the power to remove the velcro from deep within your body permanently, instead of just managing the symptoms.
This is the work we do inside the Body Wisdom Academy.
Body Wisdom Academy is a 16 Week Certification Training and Support Program and Includes:
-1:1 Coach Practitioner Sessions (Yes, 1:1!)
-Weekly Community Practice Calls
-The full 9 gateway Subtle Body Healing Curriculum
-Foundations Level 1 Certification upon completion of Program Requirements.*
There are many ways to deal with trauma
but there's also a way to eliminate it
Quick look at Body Wisdom Academy:
We offer training programs to release the trauma trapped in your body
Want to know more? Schedule a complimentary Advisory Session here.
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The Subtle Body Method™ teaches clients to work with the body to release the trapped trauma from the system, even when they have done years of healing work and therapy, but still feel blocked and triggered.
Think Subtle Body Work is right for you? Schedule a complimentary Advisory Session here.
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Want to know more? Schedule a complimentary Advisory Session here.
Not looking for a full training? We also offer packages of 1:1 sessions.
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